Invest In Yourself, This Is Critical To Your Personal Growth Step 1 Read More Books

How Can I Read More Books 

1. Set a goal: Set a goal for yourself to read a certain number of books within a certain time frame. This could be anything from reading one book per month to reading one book per week.

2. Make it a habit: Set aside a regular time each day to read and make it a habit. This could be as simple as reading for 30 minutes before bed each night or dedicating an hour on the weekend to reading.

3. Join a book club: Joining a book club can be a great stay motivated to read. You can discuss the books other members and gain a new perspective on the book.

4. Reward yourself: Reward yourself for reaching your reading goals, such as buying yourself a new book or treating yourself to a relaxing activity.

5. Track your progress: Track your progress by recording the books you have read and how many pages you’ve read. This will help you to stay motivated and see how far you have come.


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