When Young Leaders Can't Lead, It Hurts The Flow Of The Team

Have you ever had a manager or leader that is younger than you and does not have a clue what they are doing but they use their "manager" title like a badge? One of the biggest challenges younger, less experienced managers face is not having the correct training to be in a leadership position. Most inexperienced leaders believe if they lead with a heavy hand that will scare employees into listening and resecting them, actually it is quite the contrary. There are a number of reasons why younger inexperienced managers may not learn from experienced managers or feel management training is what they need to grow. Some of these reasons include: Pride: Younger managers may feel that they don't need to learn from more experienced managers because they think they already know everything. Fear of failure: Younger managers may be afraid to ask for help or advice from more experienced managers because they're afraid of being seen as incompetent. Lack of confidence: Younger man...