
Showing posts from April, 2023

Young, Inexperienced HR People and Ghosting A Potential Candidate "Human Resource Bozos" Part 2

I ran into a colleague recently who was looking for a position in an industry she had a great deal of knowledge about. She expressed so many concerns to me about the people that were interviewing her and how they made her feel. Most of them were very young, their knowledge about the position they were interviewing for was scripted, but her biggest concern was her age, I thought "why would that be such a big issue"? During multiple interviews she was asked about her experience, she would refer to specific dates and positions, the interviewer would giggle or make a comment about that was a long time ago. Another interviewer was not engaged with the interview and she could hear the young woman putting away dishes during the interview, and kept repeating the same questions she had already asked.  This absolutely infuriated me! Why do companies hire college graduates with zero to very little experience recruiting. If you are young and are offended by this blog send me an email rob

How Many Minutes Or Seconds Do You Spend Reviewing A Resume? "Human Resource Bozo's" Part 1

What reels you in when you are reading a resume? Is it their name, where they grew up, past employers, or are their qualifications in alignment with the position needing to be filled.  Often, we are faced with a limited number of resumes or we have a barrage of unqualified candidates applying for positions so they can satisfy unemployment requirements with no intention to move forward through the hiring process. This requires us to scrub each resume we receive, reach out to candidates and have a light conversation about their career goals and the job they are applying to help lay the landscape of creating a great match when they are called for the actual interview. Another major problem is young or inexperienced recruiters who lack knowledge of the position they are recruiting for, this is a red flag to experienced candidates which can lead to losing them to another company or not sparking their interest in joining the team. It is extremely frustrating meeting a Human Resource team tha

Do You Let Your Employees Know They Are Doing A Good Job And They Are Valued

 Letting your employees know they are valued is extremely important to your business. It is important to recognize your employees for their hard work, as this will motivate them to continue to do their best. Robert Villanueba said recently at an automotive conference "A happy and engaged workforce is essential for delivering great customer service. Employees who are satisfied with their job and have a positive attitude towards their work will be more motivated and  productive. This in turn will lead to a better customer experience, as employees will be better able to meet customer needs and provide quality customer service. It will show employees that their efforts are appreciated, which will make them more likely to remain loyal to your organization. Finally, it will help to create a positive work environment, which will in turn boost morale and productivity". The second part of showing appreciation is telling employees "thank you for doing a great job" it's an